I recently read such an irresponsible report (shocker) on Daily Mail. It said, “Women who loses 100 Lbs cures her MS”. I am paraphrasing, but it was something like that. Click the link above for the article. It then said, she lost 100 lbs and her MS went away. Then the doozy of all doozies, however, was its incredibly bold claim that MS is caused by genetics. Okay 8 years ago, I begged doctors to check me out, but they said there was no way I was falling and breaking things on marathon training runs due to the fact that my sister and cousin struggle with the disease. If I got it, it would be like lightening would be hitting the same place twice.
A fact about lightening - it tends to hit the same thing about three times. Google "Chicago" and "Lightening". My instincts took on the doctor's "knowledge" and understanding of how this disease works. I fought for doctors to listen - there was a HEREDITARY component. I wrote it into every article I could; so those searching for answers would know they weren't crazy for thinking such a thing. That said, it doesn't mean it is the CAUSE, that means it is a "component". There is a BIG difference there.
After fighting so hard for a doctor to listen to me - it could be hereditary - now you’d be hard pressed to find something about MS online that doesn’t talk about the hereditary component in MS. As a writer in 97 countries for the disease, I feel proud. I fought for what I felt, you fought for what you felt, and I do believe we played a role in teaching doctors. Me writing about my experience finally got them to accept the hereditary comonent. YOU doing the same, in whatever way you fought, to show them the connection, did the same. We did it. BUT, man, no one was saying it was the CAUSE. It’s ONE factor of many. For the Daily Mail to suggest they know the cause is both preposterous and dangerous.
Also, this woman’s weight loss (and she is still bigger than me), is great! You must live healthy if you really want to fight it. However, some of us don't care to fight it that way. We want to have fun and LIVE while we can. If I have learned anything from this disease, we have have different ways of living. I cut gluten, wheat, yeast, dairy, sugar, and caffeine, juiced etc. I ran marathons. No one can tell me I didn't do everything I could in the lifestyle arena. I read every book etc. I wrote a book. I wrote everywhere. I am a size 0-2 and guess what - there is another, newly formed lesion, that just formed under my brain stem, at the tip of my spinal cord. Prognosis: Quadriplegia. To imply weight loss will cure your disease is cruel. I wasn’t always a size 2either. I was a size 16 at one time.
There are different types of MS. Some insanely aggressive, causing seizure and tremors and paralysis. These sufferers (the suffers under advanced MS categories) do not benefit from holistic alone. However, some believe it can. That is up to YOU. The primary reason is - many times it takes time we do not have. That doesn't mean do not keep at it. Do. If you choose. But don't shut down western medicine either. It has been years now and I have been doing what I should holistically. I take the most aggressive, life-preserving treatment, I meditate, and incorporate eastern medication. I WRITE about it which is so healing. BUT, none of these things ALONE are indicative of a cure.
The people who will not be cured have a much different type that starts with”chronic progressive”. There are four types. You could only have lesions in your brain - in which case, you may present with very little symptoms. You could have them on your spine, in which case, just one lesion, that cannot be seen with the naked-eye, can render you paralyzed.
If you are eating correctly, moving what you can and your disease is still progressing, just know it isn’t you. You didn't cause it. Don’t let this article make you feel badly. I am a safe size 2, juice and have been eating the MS Diet for the majority of ten years; no gluten, wheat, yeast, dairy etc. and my MS is still not cured. However, I do believe I now live a better quality of my life than I would if I hadn't taken care of my lifestyle. AND, my children are watching and learning. In the end, however, it worsened. Through zero “laziness” of my own. My hands take forever to type. I stutter. My vision is changing again. Word recall is a bitch. I act differently at certain times from a lesion invading some lobe in my brain that controls my moods. Weight? My weight or lack of will for trying, is complete rubbish.
The article should be taken down. It is dangerous and wrong. It’s misleading. If you want to interview an expert - interview Dr. Gregory Anselmi in Bayonne and Hoboken, NJ. Many of his methods have actually been taken by higher institutions, which I find flattering. Until they began to name methods they borrowed from him and named them after themselves. He is a humble man. He lets it go. He is informed and knew about MS when other neurologists knew nothing about and didn't seem to care to figure it out. He also wasn't afraid to fight back, to learn it. He cared. He sits in church alone sometimes, asking God how to save us. He talks to me about my dreams to keep me going AND he even went to meet the Pope and got his MS patients, there were a few us who believed in Christ, Mary BLESSED medallions from the Pope for us. I am not Catholic, but I wore it like a medal of achievement.
Please, educate yourself. Don’t believe these quick fixes. The type of MS that woman has may be mild, miles away from your struggles, your type. My sister’s MS is different from mine.
I can say that your lifestyle plays a HUGE factor in how your symptoms present, how often they present. You should be eating a diet in rich, green, leafy food, vegetables and some fruit (not too much because of sugar) IF they want to change their MS. That is in no way implying you must. You do you. You choose. But if you are interested - no cow's milk. There are many books that you can read on why. Its chemical make up is to make a calf 1600 lbs. When it reaches that goal, it stops. Yet, humans continue to consume in America. But the biggest probable is how often we keep our cows pregnant and milked. All over the world they do it respectfully and with caution, knowing the dangers. Here, we want money and ignore the dangers of milking a cow almost 300 days out of a year.
Scores of medications are pumped into the cow for depression etc. and its own body is making pregnancy chemicals. THAT is what your child is ingesting. Boys develop breasts. Ten year-old girls are shaving their legs and menstruating. For people in general, it fills our joints up with mucus. So, when our bodies send out X fighters at the sense of an infection, these fighters can't get there, so to speak. BUT, because of the mucus, they are stuck in traffic. Held up in MUCUS.
Casein, a protein in cow's milk, contains morphine to lull the calf into feeding. If you quick and replace with Almond milk, or Rice milk. you WILL feel a withdrawal for about a month. But after that, your skin will glow, pours shrinking, you smell differently (when the Chinese started to immigrate here, they could smell us because of the cream and ick in our bodies. There was a word in their language that called us the "greasy ones".
Juice, get pure enzymes while letting your gastrointestinal track heal. So much energy goes into digestion. Giving it a rest, will actually give you some energy back. The first sign for many of us, that something is wrong before we are diagnosed, is FATIGUE. BUT, Nutribullet too at other times to get FIBER. Meditate. Face your feelings and emotional pain. All the hurt in your life, in your past, you must deal with. Let go of. Let someone help you because it will progress your disease. Therapists, church counselors, or even just a very peaceful, objective friend. That, and hang out with people who lift you up. All those who constantly hurt you, you must let go of if you want to live well. We all make mistakes and we talk them out. But some people, we have been trying for decades to get through to - those are the ones you must cut off in order to heal. Conversely, ask the universe for forgiveness you have caused others, whether knowingly or unknowingly.
All these things matter - that and your treatment. Make sure it is specific to you and your needs and remember, a GOOD doctor gives you options. Dr. Anselmi told me that. Until this day, it is the best advice I've ever gotten regarding treating this disease.
But first and foremost - don't let anyone tell you how to do this. If you are interested in holistic treatment, I gave you some tips above. If you are progressing quickly and just want to live the way you know and are comfortable with, then you go for it. Disease is intimate. It's yours. You choose. That woman's treatment was hers. Her result, hers and hers alone. Mine, well, mine.
Any questions - please feel free to write me. I am happy to help in any way I can. I do not know all the answers, but I can point you to the resources that will know your CHOICES. Be well. And promise me you won't think you are lazy and that is why you have this disease. Positivity is so important is your quality of life. There is so, so much you can control with lifestyle in most cases. In others, not so much. Only you know how this affects you.
PS-I did tell the Daily Mail how DANGEROUS their article was and how their proclamation to know the cause of MS, was factually wrong. We do not know the cause of multiple sclerosis. We do know that some types seem to have a hereditary predisposition. A poor lifestyle can possibly set it off. This, however, in no way means we know the cause of multiple sclerosis. The Daily Mail needs to take down before a litigious reader or group of, gets...litigious. As of 5 am on July 15, it is still up. I apologize for the typos. My fingers are going. It's like they aren't mine and one slip, hits the wrong button and auto cucumber changes a word drastically. That, and cognitively my mind is now moving faster than my fingers. Resulting in me "thinking" I've typed words, and haven't. Meh. The important thing is that you you get the point.