I take a lot of pictures and videos of happenings in our lives as a family, but also in my own private way, of me doing things like working out, swimming etc. I show the bulk of these to my doctors as my multiple sclerosis is progressing. I do take pics and videos of workouts and so much more for a very important, personal, reason. The reason is icky and freaks me out; so I try not to talk about it too much. BUT, because it is the reason I've chosen to record this instead of tying to write it, I felt I needed to mention.
This is the first video I took for the specific purpose of explaining why (that is more peripheral, but it needs to be said) and, more importantly, to explain my experience with trying acupuncture the other day at the Center for Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine in Westfield. If you have considered doing for your sickness, here is MY testimony, and also here are some tips if you cannot AFFORD it. I have never found one center that took insurance which has always been a huge problem for me.
Until...I started trying and offering my services like I speak of in the video. Some are happy to barter. I realize I talk so much and don't shut; whether I'm on video or just typing words. I DO see a change in how I talk from the beginning compared to how I talk at the end. It's subtle, but I can my mouth working harder to get the words out and searching for words more at the end of the recording.
So, it this video is indeed long but covers tips, my crazy experience, being at the mercy of others when you are ill...and what the haters tend to gossip about you. I do talk about how to deal with that.
Be true to yourself. Someone will always question your motives. As long as you are true to yourself, and your higher power, and are doing the best you can to keep your head above water, with love... you are doing more than enough and those sideline voices, they tend to get more and more faint as you continue on your journey of healing. Focus on healing and being true, and they are shushed. Be well and please, be open. It could save your life, improving your quality of life for decades.
*Correction that does come into play later in the video - Ann is JAPANESE! I misspoke in the beginning, and while I make up for it later, it bothers me that you have to wait so long to hear it. Her mother was a beautiful Japanese woman and so much of who she is - compromises of her mother and that culture. It's how she lives. It's all she IS. I am sorry I misspoke at the beginning and wish I was savvy enough to take it out.
And with that, here goes :